Huff Puff Balloons


Please note:  SAFETY WARNING

It is possible to choke or be suffocated by an un-inflated balloon or piece of burst balloon.

Inhaling helium is dangerous and can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness and death. Under no circumstances inhale helium from a balloon or helium tank

Please remember:

• Never put a balloon, or piece of a balloon, in or near the mouth •

• Adults should inflate balloons for children under the age of 8 years. Children under 8 years old with balloons should be supervised at all times.•

• Always discard broken balloons safely •

When handled responsibly balloons pose no threat to health, wildlife or the environment

Huff, Puff and Away! carries Employers Liability insurance of £10,000,000 and Public/Products Liability insurance of £5,000,000.

Huff, Puff and Away! cannot be held responsible for any accident or injury following the mis-use of balloons.

Huff, Puff and Away! does NOT hire out helium cylinders or inflation equipment, believing such tasks are better left to those trained in such activities.

Balloon Releases

Balloon releases are perfectly safe and not harmful to the environment if the following is adhered to:

Balloons must be natural latex – which will biodegrade at around the same rate as an oak leaf, apparently .

NEVER release foil balloons.

Do NOT attach ribbons of any kind. If a label is required this can be attached directly to the knot of the balloon.