June 4th, 2012
Posted in Character Greeters, News, Wedding Fairs
Wow, that was a busy weekend…
We had Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Character Greeters on display in the Council House, balloon decor on display in the Waterhall Gallery and our Morris J-type van (made in Birmingham in 1959) outside in Victoria Square. Somehow we also managed to fit in wedding work and taking Abi to do balloon modelling for the children at The Ronald McDonald House Jubilee Party. Anyone not aware of the fantastic work that the charity does should visit http://www.rmhc.org.uk/where/rmhc_houses/birmingham_childrens, it’s a fantastic set-up which we’re happy to support in any way we can.

June 10th, 2010
Posted in Wedding Fairs
Sorry we’ve not been able to blog or update for the last fortnight, we’ve had serious computer problems which, hopefully, will be sorted this weekend.
This weekend, in fact, we’re exhibiting at the Debenham’s Gift List Weekend, Birmingham, Bullring. On the Saturday, we’re only able to be there until about 3PM, but we hope we can see you either then or any time on Sunday!
We’ll be showing a few examples of our Latex-Free designs, our Characters Greeters and a few stylish ideas for customised table weights.
Look forward to seeing you there,
May 24th, 2010
Posted in News, Wedding Fairs
Welcome to our Blog; we thought we’d venture into such exciting new things!
So, I thought I would use our first post to tell you about Debenham’s Birmingham wedding fair that was held over Saturday and Sunday of last week.
It started off very hectic as we also attended another two-day fair at Debenham’s Redditch. Bez set up camp there and Harvey and I placed at Birmingham.

Being holed up inside all day was both a blessing and a curse; we missed out on the glorious sunshine, but we had great air-conditioning!
Unsurprisingly, the weather took it’s toll on visitor numbers, but I don’t blame them! None-the-less, we met some great people and had a proper chance to show our latest developments in Table Centerpieces.

We enjoyed chatting to the girls at Royal Salon who specialise in Hair and Mehndi. They gave me an incredible Mehndi pattern on my hand which was a joy to watch being done; such talent!
We look forward to the next one on 12th and 13th June and hope we can see some of you there!
Enjoy the sun,